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Thai Gay (Kratoey)

Thai Gay (Kratoey)
Before, Thai gay tradition was not accepted in Thailand but now Thai people have changed them opinion and could accepted to promoted them in any job position even in social.

Thai people have strong believed in gender a lot in a pass, if some family have a boy but they had strange behavior like lady, they may got have a big problem from them parent or even from social around them.

This thing could make side effect for gays life a lot because some of them could not even talk or show off how they were to any one. They need to clover them sexual style.

But now Thai people have accepted the different of gender more then before, We had competition for gay on big stage such as Miss Tiffany, you can visit them site at Some of them look very beautiful then real woman. There is gay contest in Pattaya, Thailand every years. The main point was those gay must look like a real woman very much in any style, when she talking, walking, eating, speaking and also them talent too.

If you wanna touch with fake woman but look like a real woman then you can visit this stage in May, please check the website for sure.

Okey! let's me tell you about some gay in  Thailand, we have many type of gay here, you may get confuse and we not call of them as gay as you did. So what we call them?


this name we give for all of gay who dress like a woman, acting like a lady, some of them may already have got operated like a woman in every thing.
but please do not call this name to any one who are gay because they do not like it however it depend on the person too, some Kratoey they are very friendly and so funny, i like to talk and play with them because they have many joke, very creative and it make me laugh all the time, but some of Kratoey are also dangerous, please use your opinion and experience to make a decision before you will have deep relationship with them.

As you know there are many type of gay in Thailand, Kratoey it the basic name of Thai people use to call gay group, but if that gay have them body like a man but them heart like a lady, they love to be lady more then man then we will call this type of gay that Kratoey Koaw (Koaw mean buffalo)
Kratory Koaw

Why some Thai people call this gay group like this? because kratoey koaw they have big body, face like a man, there are not thing in them body look like woman, except them heart.
I do like to look at them because i think they have different style and creative, it make this world are different and they are very funny.
Gay King
This is very difficult to know who is really gay, because they are look like a real man, handsome, nice job, good looking, some of them already have wife or girlfriend. You will never know how they are until they will tell you by them self or when they go to join gay club for looking them partner there.

Gay Queens

This is very easy to know who is gay, this type of gay is still do like a man, they dress like man, but more careful about them healthy and looking a lot, however they mix between lady and man, we call gay queen in Thailand.
Phoo-ching (is not Phoo-ying)
If no one told you that they are a man, you may never guess what is gender she really be? because this kind of kratoey she look very close to real woman.
(In Thai we will call lady that "Phoo-ying, but if some of them look like a lady but have operated from man, we will give them name that "Phoo-ching" instead ")
Some of them look like a real woman, even them behavior, them voice or them character.

You will never know how they really are until you will ask them or see them card id.
I must say that, this type of kratoey are beautiful and amazing a lot and some of them become a famous in Thailand, or some of them become a super star like her in this photo.
if i don't tell you that she is a man you may think she is a real woman right? but she does not.

however in Thailand we are accepted in any gender now, we do not care who you are, just you are the good person and make the good thing, that enough.
And i would like to present you the beautiful kratoey in Thailand as i know them here.

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